Oil spills in fresh and seawater are among the most serious and frequent environmental incidents. If not detected and dealt with swiftly, they can be disastrous both environmentally and for plant operations. It is important to have an adequate oil spill monitor system in place to detect oil spills before they become an issue allowing for a much easier cleanup operation.
The ROW oil on water detection unit will monitor 24/7 for oil on the water’s surface and give alerts to personnel allowing them to respond quickly to minimise the impact of any spills.
With a quick response time and high degree of sensitivity the system is able to detect oil before it is visible to the human eye making it an extremely efficient early warning system for the detection of spills.
Ability to detect a wide range of oils, diesel, fuels- Non-contact sensor - Low maintenance- Fast response time - Detection of hydrocarbons using UV fluorescence, a proven method- Range of communication options – easy integration into existing plant systems- Excellent sensitivity, able to detect from > 1 micrometer of oil film- Can be powered using a solar panel and battery arrangement for remote operations
1) Cooling water intake: It is crucial to have a source of clean, oil free water to be used to cool plant processes such as turbines and reactors. If oil is mixed up in the water source and unknowingly taken into the plant, it can lead to total plant shutdown leading to significant downtime and loss of operations. One example of this is in 2014 when the nuclear plant the Salem Nuclear Generating Station was shut down for 11 days due to an oil spill that occurred upriver. This also occurs in other industries such as water, chemical and offshore applications that rely on clean water to reduce process temperature and keep the plant running.
A good fit for this kind of application is to mount an ROW Oil Spill detection / Slick Detection unit close to the water intake point of the plant. The ROW will then monitor the water 24/7 for hydrocarbons and can be configured to provide alerts.
2) Surface water runoff / culverts / drains: Before discharge of water from a plant following water treatment it is critical to accurately monitor the output water for traces of oil. Installing an ROW in a drain / culvert will inform you of any residual oils present allowing you to act accordingly.
3) Ports / harbours: The ROW can be installed on a pier or a buoy to continually monitor 24/7 for oil spills and provides an early warning. This is beneficial as oil spills can be quickly detected, for example if a ship / tanker empties its bilge tanks into the area this can be picked up and acted on quickly. One installation using a network of sensors in the port of Riga was able to detect more than 50 oil spill events during its first year of operation.
The system is also useful in environmentally sensitive areas and near refuelling locations. Please see our oil spill detectors below: